Volunteer and Stewardship Opportunities
Organizations and Contacts
Chicago Park District Natural Area Stewards
Chicago Park District Natural Area Stewardship Program
Ronan Park - ronanparkstewards@gmail.com
Gompers Park - gompersparkadvisorycouncil@gmail.com
Park Advisory Councils
What are Park Advisory Councils?
Horner Park - stewardship@hornerpark.org
River Park - riverparkac@gmail.com
Eugene Field Park - eugenefieldpac@gmail.com
Gompers Park - gompersparkadvisorycouncil@gmail.com
North Park Village Nature Center - naturecenteradvisorycouncil@gmail.com
Athletic Field Park - athleticfieldadvisorycouncil@gmail.com
Independence Park - ipac.chicago@gmail.com
Friends of the Chicago River
Volunteer with Friends of the Chicago River
Chicago River Day and the Summer Challenge
Annette Anderson - Friends of the Chicago River Volunteer Coordinator - aanderson@chicagoriver.org
Want to inlcude your even organization on this page?
Contact us!
C Poole
SSA#60 Manager