Security Camera Rebate

Program Description

The Security Camera Rebate Program is offered through the Albany Park & Irving Park Special Service Area #60 (SSA#60), a special taxing district, whose overall purpose is to:

Support a vibrant, safe, clean, beautiful, and welcoming commercial district, filled with restaurants, attractive retail and service, entertainment, and cultural options that meet the needs of the local residents and attract visitors.

The Security Camera Rebate Program enhances the security features of local businesses and creates a more enjoyable and safer experience for customers and the general public. All commercial retail businesses located within SSA#60 are eligible for a one-time security improvement rebate that covers 100% of expenses with a rebate cap of $1,000.

The program is open until all available funding for security improvements is allocated.  Applicants are encouraged to apply ASAP before the security program funds are awarded to eligible recipients. Applicants must comply with the requirements outlined below and be within the SSA district. Residential buildings are eligible, but preference will be given to retail businesses.

Service Area

The Facade Improvement Program is open to properties located within the Albany Park & Irving Park SSA #60 boundaries:

  • Lawrence Avenue: Pulaski Ave to North Branch Chicago River

  • Montrose Avenue: Central Park Ave to North Branch Chicago River

  • Irving Park Road: Central Park Ave to California Ave

  • Kedzie Avenue: Ainslie St to Irving Park Rd

  • Kimball Avenue Lawrence Ave to Leland Ave

Type of Assistance

Building owners, or tenants with their building owner’s approval, can apply for assistance with security camera installation. Applicants may receive a 100% rebate for the improvement, up to a maximum of $1000. Residential buildings are eligible, but commercial businesses will be prioritized.

Program Requirements

Before installation begins, an application must be submitted and approved.s. Rebates are not awarded retroactively nor without an application.

  • At least one of the security cameras MUST oversee the sidewalk for greater public safety. Preference is more than one camera facing the public way and the alley.

  • Cameras must have a resolution of 1080p HD quality or higher. 

  • Equipment must remain on or in the building for at least 3 years. If equipment is removed within three years, the applicant cannot apply for rebate programs in the future. 

  • At least one camera must face the public right-of-way. 

  • The business must hold an active business license with the City of Chicago. 

  • If the business owner is not the property owner, the property owner or landlord must give written authorization to the business tenant by signing the application. The property owner must not be delinquent on property taxes or have a lien on their property. 

Downloadable Resources

Descargue la aplicación del Programa de Reembolso de cámaras de seguridad en SSA #60 aquí.

Applications are accepted until all available funds are allocated.

For more information please contact:

Catherine George,
SSA #60 Program Manager  & Economic Development Specialist
312-344-0333 (hablo español)