North River Commission partners with community stakeholders to evaluate development proposals by sharing information, convening community meetings to ask questions of developers, and encourage community participation in shaping development.
North River Commission operates Mayfair Commons Senior Housing Center at Elston and Lawrence with 97 units and 116 low-income seniors. Prairie Management and Development manages the building. Mayfair Commons currently has a wait list for interested seniors. Please call or stop by the Front Office to fill out an application. 4444 W Lawrence Ave, 773-205-7862
NRC works with landlords and tenants to secure resources that improve and preserve access to quality affordable housing. NRC creates affordable housing through partnerships with our communities, developers, and government.
North River Commission is a working group member of the City of Chicago's plan for Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD). We have been working towards finding compact, mixed-use transit-oriented developments near CTA stations around the North River to turn into affordable housing for sustainable and livable neighborhoods that benefit all residents, regardless of income, race, age, or ability.
We can assist you with:
Housing fairs to assist low- and moderate-income residents
Direct assistance and referrals to housing providers
Housing Education
State or Federal Housing Resources
311 City Services| | Call 311 – Ask for “Short-Term Help”
Call 311 for assistance with non-emergency City Services. You may call 311 to request assistance and information about homelessness prevention and “Short-Term Help” through the Homeless Prevention Call Center. If your life or someone else’s life is in imminent danger, please call 911.
Mobile Crisis Response and Shelter Referral Program (MCRSRP) |
The MCRSRP program provides a 24/7 response to non, life-threatening requests for residents experiencing homelessness and crisis – including connecting clients to homeless shelters and wraparound services for behavioral health, substance abuse, domestic violence, and more.
Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) |
DFSS is the lead department for the city that oversees a network of overnight and interim housing shelter programs that includes over 3,000 shelter beds at 50 separate facilities operated by 29 different delegate agencies. Shelter placement and transportation are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 311. Families seeking shelter can go to the Salvation Army Shield of HopeCenter located at 924 North Christiana. Below are programs managed by DFSS, but you can learn more about their services through their website or by visiting the location listed.
Domestic Violence Victim Services | IDHS: Domestic Violence Victim Services
Domestic violence programs located throughout Illinois provide safety assistance to victims of domestic violence. Services include a 24-hour crisis hotline, counseling, safety planning, legal advocacy, children's services, temporary food and housing, and more.
La Casa Norte |
La Casa Norte has an emergency, transitional, and permanent housing programs for youth and families. Their services include overnight emergency beds for unaccompanied youth, rental assistance, and rapid rehousing, among other services.
The Night Ministry |
The Night Ministry provides housing, health care, outreach, spiritual care, and social services to adults and youth who struggle with homelessness, poverty, and loneliness.
Mercy Home for Boys & Girls |
Mercy Home provides safe, nurturing residential treatment. Focuses on youth mentoring and rehousing by providing education, community engagement opportunies, food, shelter, and clothing.
Ignite |
Ignite provides support, resources, or a safe space, for youth between the ages from 14 to 26 years old. Ignite has services from emergency housing to supportive apartment living, physical and mental health management, and financial planning.
MyMove |
MyMove provides a guide with resources in case of urgent need to move due to domestic violence.
Affordable Housing Pre-Applications and Waitlists
The Resurrection Project
Call 312-666-1323 for more information
Bickerdike Apartments
Request a pre-application for the properties you are interested in by calling Bickerdike Apartments at 773-227-6332, Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Full Circle Apartments
If you have questions while completing the questionnaire, please call Full Circle Communities at 312-530-9600
Palmer Square Apartments
If you are interested please contact the building office at (773)-342-0050
Affordable Housing Apartments
North River Commission assisted in three affordable housing developments, brought authentic and impactful community voice to shape the developments, and each was developed and is managed by Evergreen Real Estate Group.

OSO Apartments, 2019, Montrose & Bernard
Open. Accepting waitlist applications.
North River Commission brought together community members to guide the OSO mural called Community Diligence created by Miguel A. Del Real. See more about the public mural here.

Independence Library and Apartments, 4024 N Elston
Library Open. Apartments Open.
Wait list is open, for more information about applications go to the management site.

Northtown Library and Apartments
6800 N Western
Library Open. Apartments Open.
Wait list is open, for more information about applications, go to the building management site.
Mayfair Commons Senior Apartments, 2018 - 2019 Renovations

North River Commission’s Mayfair Commons opened in 1999 as part of a large community-wide redevelopment plan. The original federal tax credits used to finance the development have now expired, which necessitates refinancing the project. North River Commission is committed to preserving Mayfair Commons as affordable senior housing, preventing its conversion into market rate condominiums, and avoiding displacement of its senior tenants.
In 1995, with the departure of Bankers Life and Casualty Company from the Mayfair community, NRC lead the redevelopment of the vacated properties and 500,000 square feet of vacant land. The master plan included a retail and healthcare center, a new library, an Islamic school, the Mayfair Office Center, 60 affordable condominiums, 2 new restaurants, and the expansion of 10 existing businesses into adjacent properties.
The cornerstone project was the development of the 97-unit $9.5 million Mayfair Commons Senior Housing Center. The project began construction in 1996 and was completed in 1998. When NRC’s for-profit partner ran into financial trouble NRC took over development and contracting functions and with the support of a LISC loan completed the project and repaid the loan. The Mayfair Town Center, the entire Bankers Life redevelopment, resulted in $45 million of neighborhood investment, 700 new jobs, and 157 new housing units.
To inquire about apartments and eligibility, please call 773-205-7862.
Free Legal Resources in Chicago
Please note services may be limited due to COVID-19
- Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing:
- Phone: 312-347-7600
- Rentervention app
- If tenant is in an eviction situation (has received a notice they will be unable to cure, or has been filed against) and earns less than $37,400 a year (after COVID income loss), you can do a direct intake to Rentervention at - password: intake
- Metropolitan Tenants Organization
- Phone: 773-292-4988
- Squared Away app
- Westside Justice Center
- Phone: 773-940-2213
- Email: (schedule a free attorney consultation)
- Uptown People's Law Center - Uptown, Edgewater, and Rogers Park
- Phone: 773-769-1411
- Email:
- Beyond Legal Aid (formerly CALA)
- Beyond only provides legal services through their partner organizations and clinics. Tenants should be referred to the proper clinic/org based on their location. The best options for tenants are:
- Enlace Legal Clinic- (La Villita/Little Village only)
- Clinic hours: Every Tuesday, 5pm – 8pm
- Address: 2756 S. Harding Ave, Chicago, IL
- Phone: 773-893-0798
- Email: - Roberto Chaves
- Vietnamese Association of Illinois (VAI) Community Empowerment Clinic - (North side, including bordering suburbs)
- By appointment only - Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9am-5pm
- Phone: (773) 728-3700
- Email: - Thuy Mersereau
- Enlace Legal Clinic- (La Villita/Little Village only)
- Beyond only provides legal services through their partner organizations and clinics. Tenants should be referred to the proper clinic/org based on their location. The best options for tenants are:
- Legal Aid Chicago
- Phone: 312-341-1070
- Online here
- Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing: