
Landlord Assistance from North River Commission

We are here to help you!

¡Estamos aqui para ayudarle!


North River Commission’s housing program in partnership with the Technical Assistance Community facilitates housing-related resources and services, and hosts community events, workshops, and housing fairs to assist low- and moderate-income homeowners, renters, landlords, and unhoused individuals in the Albany Park community.

Landlord Resources

The center of housing and health engages with landlords to provide people with stable housing and the supportive services they need in order to improve health outcomes. The Flexible Housing Pool creates affordable units for those with housing needs and guarantees on-time rental payments for participating landlords.

CLIHTF’s Rental Subsidy Program  creates affordable unit rents for low income families. The program provides a one-year, renewable grant and are paid on a quarterly basis in advance to accepted landlords.

Chicago Rents connects landlords to tenants through subsidy programs to expedite the fill of vacant units, advertise units free of charge, and provide rental assistance with case management for tenants.

The ERAMP program includes both grants and no-interest, deferred payment loans of up to $75,000 per property, based on need.

The funds can cover:

Operating shortfalls for up to three months
Added expenses related to infectious disease control and preventive cleaning.

Elevate Energy offers a wide variety of services to help multifamily building owners reduce operating costs, improve their buildings, and support sustainability goals.

NHS is a nonprofit organization committed to helping homeowners and strengthening neighborhoods throughout Chicago by offering loans and other services to rehab small, owner-occupied buildings.

The nonprofit group offers resources and workshops for Latino landlords and other low-to-moderate income families in Chicago.