Housing Assistance from North River Commission

We are here to help you with your housing needs!

¡Estamos aqui para ayudarle con sus necesidades de vivienda!


North River Commission’s housing program in partnership with the Technical Assistance Community (TACOM) facilitates housing-related resources and services, and hosts community events, workshops, and housing fairs to assist low- and moderate-income homeowners, renters, landlords, and unhoused individuals in the Albany Park community.

Emergency Housing Resources

Call 311 for assistance with non-emergency City Services. You may call 311 to request assistance and information about homelessness prevention and “Short-Term Help” through the Homeless Prevention Call Center. If your life or someone else’s life is in imminent danger, please call 911.


The MCRSRP program provides a 24/7 response to non, life-threatening requests for residents experiencing homelessness and crisis – including connecting clients to homeless shelters and wraparound services for behavioral health, substance abuse, domestic violence, and more.


DFSS is the lead department for the city that oversees a network of overnight and interim housing shelter programs that includes over 3,000 shelter beds at 50 separate facilities operated by 29 different delegate agencies. Shelter placement and transportation are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 311. Families seeking shelter can go to the Salvation Army Shield of HopeCenter located at 924 North Christiana.


Domestic violence programs located throughout Illinois provide safety assistance to victims of domestic violence. Services include a 24-hour crisis hotline, counseling, safety planning, legal advocacy, children's services, temporary food and housing, and more.

 IDHS: Domestic Violence Victim Services

La Casa Norte has emergency, transitional, and permanent housing programs for youth and families. Its services include emergency overnight beds for unaccompanied youth, rental assistance, and rapid rehousing, among other services.


The Night Ministry provides housing, health care, outreach, spiritual care, and social services to adults and youth who struggle with homelessness, poverty, and loneliness.


Mercy Home provides safe, nurturing residential treatment. Focuses on youth mentoring and rehousing by providing education, community engagement opportunies, food, shelter, and clothing.


Ignite provides support, resources, or a safe space, for youth between the ages from 14 to 26 years old. Ignite has services  from emergency housing to supportive apartment living, physical and mental health management, and financial planning.


MyMove provides a guide with resources in case of urgent need to move due to domestic violence.


Tenant Resources


RAP services include short-term financial assistance for rent, utilities, arrears, and other costs related to housing stability. In addition to financial assistance, households receive housing stability case management focused on budgeting and resolving issues that contributed to the initial housing crisis.


The HANA Center provides housing counseling services, workshops, and referrals. In addition, they have a variety of services such as immigration services, community navigator programs, and a free clinic.


The Autonomous Tenants Union is an organization advocating for housing justice, they provide important resources about tenants’ rights and legal aid.


LUCHA provides homebuyer counseling, foreclosure prevention, access to housing resources, and guidance.


La Casa Norte has an emergency, transitional, and permanent housing programs for youth and families. Their services include overnight emergency beds for unaccompanied youth, rental assistance, and rapid rehousing, among other services.

Threshold connects clients to affordable housing and provides comprehensive services for persons experiencing homelessness.


DOH expands access and choice for residents and protects their right to quality homes that are

affordable, safe, and healthy. If you are looking for an affordable rental unit or resources to

purchase or maintain a home, please visit the links above.

Chicago.gov/housing; Chicago.gov/afrentresourcelist

Residents of Chicago are also served by aldermen and women dedicated to the need of their ward residents. Your alderperson and ward office staff have information on community organizations, shelters, and other resources for individuals experiencing homelessness.


Find Affordable housing in your area using this search engine.



Apply at our affordable housing developments!

OSO Apartments

Montrose & Bernard.  Accepting waitlist applications.


Independence Library and Apartments

 4024 N Elston. Library Open. Apartments Open. go to the management site.

Northtown Library and Apartments

6800 N Western. Library Open. Apartments Open. go to the building management site.